App Description

WorkingWell is the result of years of collaborative research with mental health agencies and stakeholders, and was improved based on user feedback. The development process involved researchers, providers, individuals with mental health conditions, and an Expert Advisory Panel of supported employment trainers and providers, along with experienced app designers. The app's design was informed by user experience and underwent iterative usability testing through individual, side-by-side, and focus group methods. The app's principles were drawn from evidence-based supported employment. Overall, WorkingWell offers accessible and as-needed employment support for neurodivergent individuals and those with mental illnesses.


  • Enhance job tenure and employee retention, especially among individuals with mental health conditions and autistic individuals

  • Support for neurodivergent employees through human resources

  • Helps in inducting a portion of the workforce who is currently sitting on the sidelines


  • iOS

Development Team

  • Brandeis University