The App Factory helps developers fund their assistive and accessible mHealth apps, and helps developers understand accessibility issues their users with disabilities may encounter when using their apps.

Image of a person working on wireframe diagrams off a mobile application during development

You dream it. We help fund it.

The App Factory’s annual Request For Proposals (RFP) is now CLOSED for 2023. Each year we expect to fund at least 3 qualified software and hardware developers, with budgets ranging from $10,000 - $80,000, to develop and release their assistive and accessibility apps for health and function. 

If you are interested in submitting an RFP, please use the "Please Send Me an Invitation to Submit a Proposal” button below. The RFP Submission Guidelines can also be viewed below. 

Image of two people discussing plans for an app they are developing.  Both people are looking at code on a computer.  Paper plans for the app are scattered across their desk.

Understand The Challenges Your Users With Disabilities May Have with your App.

Our list of accessibility considerations for developers may help you build a more accessible mHealth app. This preliminary list was compiled after our first round of app testing of popular diet, fitness, and exercise apps.