App Description
SwapMyMood is available on the Apple App Store:
SwapMyMood is available on the Play Store:
SwapMyMood is a mobile app developed for the iOS operating system. It is designed to assist people with brain injury to engage in problem solving and emotion regulation. SwapMyMood is an electronic mobile version of evidence-based tools that were previously only available in paper format.
The app guides the user through the multiple steps involved in a problem-solving and emotion regulation intervention. Links to supportive resources and tips are integrated throughout, and effective, personalized interventions can be saved for reference in future situations.
SwapMyMood is an electronic mobile version of evidence-based tools that were previously only available in paper format. The contents of this app are based on the Short-Term Executive Plus Intervention for Executive Dysfunction developed at the Brain Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (grant no.1R49CE001171-01).
Development Team
Tracey Wallace
John Morris
Rebecca Gartell
SHARE Military Initiative
Shepherd Center
Bracket Media
Colin MacKenzie