Provide your own accessibility reviews and ratings of mHealth apps

You can sign up to join our app evaluation team by filling out the application form found at the link below. If selected, we will guide you through the process of completing our formal app evaluations and reviews. You will receive $125 for every app evaluation that you complete for our formal reviews.

Link to application form

We also encourage you to provide your own accessibility review of any of the apps listed on our site or propose a new app to review and add to the website.  Choose which app category you want to review below (Diet/Fitness/Exercise or Coaching/Reminder) and a staff member from out team will contact you and send you a link to instructions on how to complete and submit the review.  You will receive $25-$50 for each verified review submitted, depending on the level of detail provided.

DIY App Review and Submission Process

  1. Select an app for review from the list below or recommend an app you wish to review. 

    • Lose It!

    • My Fitness Pal

    • Fat Secret

    • Etc.

  2. Recommended app for review (must be an mHealth app with a subscriber base of >xxxx downloads to support its effectiveness and overall sustainability. We must approve your recommended app BEFORE you conduct the review): Submit a screenshot of the home, profile, or account page of the app (after login) to verify that you have downloaded the app to your device.

  3. “Explore” the app by navigating to different features or tasks, setting up your account, customizing any features on the app.

  4. Complete at least one “Core Task” associated with use of the app.  Make note of what feature you use and any problems or challenges you had in completing the task.

  5. Complete the System Usability Scale at the link below:  <add survey monkey link to SUS>

  6. Complete a 5-star rating using the following scale:

    • 1 Star: Very Low – serious accessibility issues and overall inattention to needs of people with disabilities will prevent many users from using the app.

    • 2 Stars: Low – poor accessibility issues will prevent some users from completing core tasks in the app.

    • 3 Stars: Moderate – accessibility issues may prevent some users from completing non-core tasks. Users may experience significant annoyance or confusion due to lack of attention to accessibility.

    • 4 Stars: High – some minor accessibility issues but nothing that prevents user from completing core tasks.

    • 5 Stars: Very High – no accessibility issues that limit access and use. May be some minor annoyances but accessibility appears to be considered in design of the app.

  7. Provide any comments and recommendations for other users that may be helpful to readers who are considering the app. Describe any assistive technology you use to access and use your smartphone or tablet, any problems you encountered specific to your At needs or accommodations.