Consumer Reviews of Coaching and Goal Setting Apps

The App Factory Consumer Testing Team is excited to share the results of our recent testing of three popular coaching, goal setting and note taking apps by 32 people with disabilities. Their self-identified disabilities included mobility , cognitive , and visual impairments. The apps tested were EverNote, TickTick and ToDoist. We have compiled the data from these tests into an interactive dashboard below. As you check or uncheck the options that are most meaningful to you, the results update in real-time. Here are some handy tips to help you interact with the results so you can determine if one of the apps might best fit your needs:

  1. You will find options for you to select in the bottom right box.

  2. The option categories you can select, or unselect, are the Impairment Category you most identify with, the App Name you are most interested in seeing the results of, and the Device Type that users tested on, either iOS or Android.

  3. You can select as many of the options as you want. The results will update on the left and above the option box.

  4. The “Star” ratings of the apps represent the overall accessibility, or usability, of that app for the given task.

  5. The Comments provided by the testers are meant to illustrate accessibility or usability issues that tester encountered when completing the task.

If you encounter any usability issues using the results dashboard, either good or bad, please let us know. If you would like to try the apps we tested yourself, download links for iOS and Android versions of each app are found at the bottom of this page.